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100 days of poetry

offered on Facebook, daily, starting on February 24, 2014.

no links, just the list.  because tracking them down is half the fun.

  1. Poem of the One World, by Mary Oliver

  2. I Go Among Trees, by Wendell Berry

  3. Briefly It Enters, and Briefly Speaks, by Jane Kenyon

  4. I Believe in All That Has Never Yet Been Spoken, by Rainer Maria Rilke

  5. Eagle Poem, by Joy Harjo

  6. When All Thoughts, by Ryokan

  7. Desire, by Alice Walker

  8. Love After Love, by Derek Walcott

  9. The Negro Speaks of Rivers, by Langston Hughes

  10. These Poems, by June Jordan

  11. The Red Wheel Barrow, by William Carlos WIlliams

  12. All the Hemispheres and Damn Thirsty, by Hafiz

  13. blessing the boats, by Lucille Clifton

  14. Love Dogs, by Rumi

  15. Funny, by Anna Kamienska

  16. Follow, by Leah Umansky

  17. The End of Assurance, by John Bennett

  18. A Woman Speaks, by Audre Lorde

  19. dive for dreams, by e.e. cummings

  20. Kindness, by Naomi Shihab Nye

  21. Everything is Waiting for You, David Whyte

  22. Hope Harmonizes, by Stuart Horwitz

  23. The Cure at Troy, by Seamus Heaney

  24. Acts of Vexation, by Pam Rehm

  25. 17, 74, 78 from If There is Something to Desire, by Vera Pavlova

  26. To Be of Use, by Marge Piercy

  27. The Face of All the World, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  28. What I Learned from My Mother, by Julia Kasdorf

  29. Unconditional, by Jennifer Welwood

  30. Legacies, by Nikki Giovanni

  31. Yes, by William Stafford

  32. Diving into the Wreck, by Adrienne Rich

  33. We grow accustomed to the Dark (428), by Emily Dickinson

  34. Paradox, by Paul Laurence Dunbar

  35. The Pathway Finally Opened, by Mahsati Ganjavi

  36. In Celebration of My Uterus, by Anne Sexton

  37. New Moon, by Ted Kooser

  38. Bloom, by Adam Cook; from Ten Second Rainshowers: Poetry by Young Peple

  39. Testimonial, by Rita Dove

  40. 2, 11, 48 from the Tao Te Ching, translated by Stephen Mitchell

  41. two from Li Po

  42. The Undertaking, by Louise Gluck

  43. from Song of the Open Road, by Walt Whitman

  44. On Foot I Had to Cross the Solar Systems, by Edith Södergran

  45. You’d Sing Too, by Leonard Cohen

  46. three from Wumen Huikai

  47. A Brave and Startling Truth, by Maya Angelou

  48. Some Extensions on the Sovereignty of Science, by Alberto Ríos

  49. Come Into Animal Presence, by Denise Levertov

  50. Scripted Hope, by Glenis Redmond

  51. St. Francis and the Sow, by Galway Kinnell

  52. I said to this wanting creature inside me, by Kabir

  53. Just Now, by W.S. Merwin

  54. The Thread of Life, by Christina Rossetti

  55. 3 from Shih-Wu/Stonehouse

  56. XXI, XXIX, XXXI, LXIII, LXIV from Book of Questions, by Pablo Neruda

  57. First Thought, by Lorna Dee Cervantes

  58. Happy Ideas, by Mary Szybist

  59. two from Sappho

  60. Fingernails; Nostrils; Shoelaces, by Charles Bukowski

  61. Where I’m From, by George Ellen Lyon

  62. another conference, by Michelle Gonzales-Green

  63. Loose Woman, by Sandra Cisneros

  64. Poem Written in a Copy of Beowulf, by Jorge Luis Borge

  65. There Will Come Soft Rains and She Who Could Bind You, by Sara Teasdale

  66. unnamed poem from unnamed first grader, Lower East Side

  67. Then I Saw What The Calling Was, by Muriel Rukeyser

  68. Imaginary Number, by Vijay Seshadri

  69. The Great Yogi and Strange Is The Path When You Offer Love, by Mirabai

  70. Last paragraph of The Solace of Leaving Early, by Haven Kimmel

  71. Land’s End, by Robert Winner 

  72. Let these be your desires, by Khalil Gibran

  73. Acquainted with the Night, by Robert Frost

  74. Don’t Stand at My Grave and Weep, by Mary Elizabeth Frye 

  75. Emptiness, by Stephen Dunn

  76. Invisible Work, by Alison Luterman

  77. Tree Tall Woman, by Harryette Mullen

  78. Trying to Pray, by James Wright

  79. Keep me fully glad with nothing, by Rabindranth Tagore

  80. First Light, by John Barr

  81. O fire of the comforting Spirit, by Hildegard of Bingen

  82. [She goes, she is, she wakes the waters] by Karen Volkman

  83. Together, by Maxine Kumin

  84. Morning, by Billy Collins

  85. A Homespun Love, by Alicia Partnoy

  86. Theories of Time and Space, by Natasha Trethewey

  87. Knowledge…Shall Vanish Away, by Howard Thurman

  88. The Whole Soul, by Philip Levine

  89. A fish cannot drown in water and I cannot dance, by Mechthild of Magdeburg

  90. Each Moment a White Bull Steps Shining into the World, by Jane Hirschfield

  91. Shock and Awe, by Sheryl Luna

  92. The Dream in the Next Body, by Gabeba Baderoon

  93. Happy Ideas, by Mary Szybist

  94. The World is Too Much With Us, by William Wordsworth

  95. Refrain, by Gina Franco

  96. The Beauty of Things, by Robinson Jeffers

  97. Kindness, by Yusef Komunyakaa

  98. After Hours, Provincetown Cemetery by Kendra Decolo

  99. 2 from Han-Shan (Cold Mountain)

  100. Last night as I was Sleeping, by Antonio Machado

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