primary projects
My current work is focused in three areas:
Supporting Jews working for a free Palestine and an end to the war in Gaza.
​Since October 7 I've served as one of more than 100 Movement Chaplain with Tzedek Lab, offering process and regulation space for Jews taking direct action to protest the genocide in Gaza. I've also been supporting Rabbis for Ceasefire.
Annie E Casey Foundation, serving on the Leadership Development faculty and focused on results and racial equity for system change leaders. Results Count is a comprehensive and rigorous approach to getting measurable results for kids and their families while growing and maturing leaders who shape vital systems.
SURJ, Showing Up for Racial Justice, supporting national staff with their strategic visioning, training, and staff development. If you're white and haven't quite found a role in the movement for racial justice, check out why organizing white people matters, find a chapter &/or become a member, learn more about defunding the police (yes really), plug into a current action.
I was also the first Project Director of Rise Up, an initiative that nurtures the soul of Jewish justice. Rise Up is rooted in a transformational approach that integrates deep Jewish practice, centering the margins and progressive action for social change. Rise Up offers grant making, community, coaching and ecosystem building. Read the report on 5 Emerging Outcomes in this field.
Work offerings include:
STRATEGIC FACILITATION / COACHING: Helping new efforts get off the ground and strengthening existing work. Includes support for Kellogg Foundation’s “America Healing” initiative, Kenissa: Communities of Meaning Network, Pauli Murray Center, Episcopal City Mission, Feeding America, and more.​
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP / EXPERIENCE: Bringing a spiritually-grounded transformational lens to facilitation, training, strategy and program design. Includes the inner work of leadership, managing conflict and reactivity, role of awareness practices, and group dynamics for maximum impact.
WRITING / SPEAKING like a comprehensive scan of LGBTQ landscape in the South, Out in the South: LGBTQ Community Assets in the U.S. South.
Watch / Listen
Make History to Remember.
A collaborative video project about how immigrants have been targeted
throughout US history, and a call to action to make a different kind of history.
Written in 2017 with Pam McMichael, narrated by Ash-Lee Woodard
Henderson and Allyn Maxfield-Steele. ​
Minding the Fault Lines
TedX talk from 2017, "Minding the Fault Lines," is an invitation to invest in the inner skills we need to cross boundaries, break through bias and repattern behavior When we're mindful in the stretch, the difficult becomes generative.